Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Creativity and New Media

Among all the products of new media, role playing games is the most attractive one for me. I always dreaming about being another person to experience a different life. Role playing games make my dream possible to come true. There are different types of role playing games. Basically, Asian role playing games mostly about fighting with enemies or killing monsters. Thus, players will earn virtual currencies. American role playing games mostly about tasks fulfillment or riddles resolution. There also has role playing games like The Sims Online, which exactly like the real world. This type of role playing games require players control their avatars to social, work and do the things real human being would do. My slide shows the three types of role playing games.


Creativity usually makes a business outstanding at the business market. It helps companies gain competitive advantages over others. New media fosters creativity in many ways. First of all, people are able to do their business in new ways. The development of social networking sites, e-commercials and role playing games are good example of new business.
 According to the article "Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Users", "consumers often come up with ideas for products, and companies wait on the sidelines to see if they have mass appeal". The Internet is just like a huge database. People can easily exchange their opinions and thoughts. As a result, companies easier to gather those information that come from customers with diversified cultural background. In my opinion, those information usually inspire new ideas. As the article mentioned, some features of Twitter came from their users.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual world is a computer-based environment. Virtual world can be used to train employees, play role-play games, social with friends, etc. Second life is a perfect example of virtual world.  Saki Knafo gives a definition for second life on the article "In Room 100, a Second Life for Sid and Nancy", "Second Life is a multiuser virtual environment, a computer program that lets online users construct settings and hang out in them, using video-game-like characters called avatars". People can do things that they may not be able to do on the real world, such as experience the life of wealthy people. They could gain some sort of satisfaction through the second life. "Mr. Wilson pointed out: 'Everything fits; things don’t wear out. The virtual world represents a different value proposition'"(Ferla,1). The creation of second life extend people's life. It also helps the economy. I was surprised by the fact that "throughout the recession we actually saw an increase in spending"(Ferla,1). There has many people addicted to the second life, which is one of the bad effects of virtual worlds. It also could upset people to some degree. If you were successful in the virtual world, how would you feel about the hard time in your real life?
On the other hand, virtual world is also good for employers to train their employees. It is said that medical schools, hospitals and health foundations are using second life to improve their health care service and efficiency. It helps the employers reduce the costs of employee training. Even though virtual worlds could be modeled perfectly like the real world, it is still not the real world. There is no guarantee that virtual world expert players are also experts on the real world. 
Virtual worlds provides new ways of doing business and new ways to solve problems. It fosters creativity. Virtual world develops very well for the past several years, and I believe it will continue to do good in the future. The market of virtual world is still big.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Social Networking Sites

Facebook is the most familiar social networking site to me. It is very popular among students. Facebook users can communicate with other users through messages or the chat feature. Besides the chatting feature, Facebook also has many nice features, such as wall, pokes, status, etc. Facebook enable users to customize their personal privacy settings. Users can decide what information is going to share with which person through privacy settings. This is what I like the most about Facebook. 

Twitter has a 140 characters limitation on tweets. Therefore, users have to be careful of the words they are using in order to express their thoughts completely and precisely. Twitter becomes popular because of it's limitation saves a lot of times. Most of tweets are about users' daily lives, such as what they did and how they feel about something. Twitterers tend to be older adults compare to other social networking sites' users.

I have never used Myspace before. Myspace is a social networking site that enable users to share their favorite musics, movies, tv shows, etc. It seems like Myspace has a very good feature for users to share musics. Myspace also has many nice videos.

Unlike the other three social networking sites' homepage, Friendster has a lot of cartoon characters on its homepage. As Friendster states, it is a "social gaming destination of choice" website. It allows users to play games with friends. In my opinion, most games in Friendster is attractive to girls.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Blog about Twitter

Twitter discussion is limited to 140 characters. Therefore, you have to be careful on the words you are using to make sure that you could express your opinions completely and precisely. Because twitter discussion is online discussion, participants could be any twitterer. You need to put @ symbol before the username to post your response to a tweet. Blackboard discussion has no character limitations, but its participants are limited to students who registered the class. Students will not have the entrance to a certain class' discussion board if them do not register for that class. Class discussion is face to face discussion. You will get responses from professor or classmates  right there. In a class discussion, some students may be more active than some other students.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Social Networking

According to Nicole Ellison, he believes "the benefits provided by social network sites such as Facebook have made us better off as a society and as individuals, and that, as they continue to be adopted by more diverse populations, we will see an increase in their utility". I agree with him. Social Network is now using almost everywhere. One of the usages of social networks is for personal use. Social network makes it easier for friends to keep in touch with each other. The social network dissolves the physical distance between people and resembles them together. As the technology develops, social network is not only a bridge between friends,  but also between strangers. Through social network sites, people can make friends with different cultures, backgrounds, in different industries and different location. People can talk about any topics they want online, such as their daily activities, jobs, movies they saw, etc. Because social network is so popular, people also use it for business purpose. Making advertisements online is faster, cheaper and easier to reach the targets than on the television. With these technologies, more opportunities are being created. It helps save a lot of time and money. 

Along with new opportunities, the society is facing new challenges at the same time. "With children’s technical obsessions starting at ever-younger ages — even kindergartners will play side by side on laptops during play dates — their brains may eventually be rewired and those skills will fade further, some researchers believe", according to Hilary Stout.The relationships between people are changing as social network technology develops. Many employers check Facebook or Twitter before they make the final decision. There are some who believes that this is too over, but some believes that it helps employers make better decision. Privacy issue is the most important one arising as social network develops. People reveal their personal information little by little everything. Social network creates a huge database. It is said that information can be reassembled through computer and used to draw a rough picture about someone's identity. Many people do not ever take it serious until something bad happens.  

Social network development is amazing. I think it will continue to play an important role in people's lives. It is very likely that new social network sites will come out to better our lives.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Blogs V.S. Wikis

"Today's Internet is governed by the idea that crowds of people can create the news, share information and collaborate on online projects", said by John D. Sutter in "Wikipedia: No longer the Wild West?".  Blogs and wikis are two good example for the statement. Both of them are collaboration of  information. Individuals or communities share information, opinions and news with others. Everyone has free access to them. Everyone is free to create a blog or wiki. Because of individuals' limitation of knowledge and biases, there is no 100% guarantee for the information's accuracy.  
However, there are some difference between blogs and wikis.  In my opinion, blogs are more like online journals. People can share information and opinions together. The topic could be anything, daily life, movies, politics, gossips and so on. Blogs contain more opinions than facts. However, wikis are online encyclopedia. Wikis have more facts than opinions. I believe that wikis should be more strict about the information's accuracy than blogs.  According to Ezra Goodnoe, "wikis are designed to facilitate the exchange of information within and between teams. Content in a wiki can be updated without any real lag...users/contributors (with wikis, they're one and the same) simply visit and update a common Web site". Besides, wikis can be edited by anybody, but blogs cannot. 
In today's networked world, convergence of information becomes important. Wikis and blogs converge plenty of information that help people save a lot of time and money on information research. Personally, I like the Wikipedia. Whenever I need to do the research, I research the Wikipedia first. Although Wikipedia might has some errors, it still help me get a general understanding of my research.
Blogs allow readers to post their comments and arguments. Therefore, blogs is a great tool for the collaboration of different opinions. What's more, blogs can be linked with each other, which create a large online community.